Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Game Designers, Writers, Artists and Enthusiasts Wanted
In light of the split between traditional D&D'ers who used to follow D&D from version to version, but due to 4E being D&D in name only for the most part, and are now looking for other games ... maybe something closer to 3.5 but more polished with the ever evolving needs, styles and interests of gamers, and for those who are looking for a scifi game but aren't into Star Wars, there's still room to breath ... to flex one's creativity, and make an impact.
It wouldn't be easy, of course. It would take more than just a good game - it would take the right timing, business model, distribution, marketing, solid team of designers, writers, editors and artists, but I believe it is possible. That's why, despite the odds, I haven't given up on the Cosmothea RPG.
Time will tell, however, if the best course of action for a freelance or small time game designer is to make the next great product or support the products already out there. Of course D&D and D20 in general is not for everyone, nor is every setting. Fortunately setting designers, with the ever increasing time crunch in our society, time is a limited commodity, so there's still plenty of room for a solid, well established campaign setting, though currently gamer dollars are tight (I figure by the time the latest version of the Cosmothea campaign setting and the rpg is finished, we'll see an upswing in the economy, so I'm not terribly concerned in that regard, though there are many factors to consider regardless of the state of the economy, of course).
As for my work on Cosmothea and other design projects I've had on my plate over the years, I've never felt the creative juices flowing more freely and never found anything more rewarding than working on a project without a big corporation lurking over my shoulder, or someone telling me I have to do things some way I just flat don't agree with and know in my heart are the wrong way to do things. Sure we'd need structure and a solid, unified vision, and I think that's very doable with the right group of talented people.
And QT Games isn't just looking for people to help produce Cosmothea, but also those that want the benefit of working together to make their own products better as well. Not a community persay, but a team with goals and brainstorming and working together to achieve them without neglecting our families, day jobs and other commitments.
Unlike the big game companies, you and I can afford to express ourselves, take our time and do it right, and when we know we're working toward a goal we believe in, we can do so much better than someone who is being told to do something because that's what the big wigs said they wanted. I want to work on a project I can really get behind, and personally, 4E, as good as it does some things, just doesn't cut it for me. I'm not bashing it persay - I know many like it, especially around here, and I love aspects of it, but there's just too many design decisions that make my stomach sore just thinking about. I can't see myself ever designing a 4E adventure or supplemental work, so I'm instead working on something I believe in ... something I love.
Whether you join the QT Games team and work with me on the Cosmothea RPG one day or not (or on one of your own projects), I wish you the best as you strive to do what you love to do and what you find worthwhile. I'm not sure if we'll ever make a dime on Cosmothea or not, but when all is said and done, I'll know that I did a good job, that my time was well spent, and that I didn't compromise on what I believed in. I believe that others who team up on this and other projects will feel the same way.
If nothing else, it should provide a good resource to troubleshoot, explore and see if our ideas are truly viable like we think they are. If you've never shown something you've created to others without helpful feedback during your life, then you are probably perfect and don't need QT Games, but you probably still need networking. But I'm betting that even the big boys at WotC benefit from brainstorming, editing, etc.
If you don't like something, change it. If you do it the way everyone wants you to, but not the way you know to be right, you won't find a great deal of satisfaction in it, though it might line your pockets with a bit more dough, maybe, but then contrary to the cliche, money's never made me even slightly happy. It's a mere tool to getting things done. We'll need money, sure, but I won't let money decide how I'm going to design an rpg. That's one chain I don't need. I did not create QT Games to be a non profit organization - that's not what I'm talking about here.
People that contribute significantly to a QT Games product will be compensated in some form or another, sometimes with cash or trade work (like art, web design, etc. as mutually agreed upon by contract), and hopefully one day by product income, but I don't want anyone walking away feeling like they wasted their time. I won't put up with that from myself, so I'm certainly not going to see a committed team member do that. I'm in it for the whole team, not just myself.
Whatever you choose to do, proceed with caution, enthusiasm, wisdom, considering the cost and the rewards, knowing your strengths and weaknesses and the steps you need to take, what expectations are realistic and what you consider a success and worth your time, and then make sure you do it with your whole heart, so that your work will shine and be something you can be proud of, come what may.
If you've been having making feats or spells or powers or monsters or a campaign setting, etc. in your spare time, then you've tasted the excitement and satisfaction of working on an rpg just for the fun of it - for the hobby. That's cool, and even if you aren't looking for a big project, you can always work on a small, but important segment appropriate to your interest and availability? Why not consider joining the QT Games team and using your talents along with others to put together products that just might bring you more than satisfaction in the long run?
Maybe we won't make it, but maybe we will, with the right strategy and products, and if you spend time designing things anyway, you aren't losing anything, only growing in experience! We're looking for friendly, positive and talented gamers who can work together toward a goal. Success won't come easily, but it will be a fun ride! Think about it, and contact me if you're interested. Thanks!
Best regards,
Bob Whitely
QT Games
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Is There Hope for Game Designers?
Diving into Game Design
I started designing RPG & boardgames around the 6th grade and it became a passion that hasn’t diminished over the years. Now having designed over 2 dozen games and with hopes to publish a few of them through my QT Games company, I am as excited about boardgames and card games now as in my youth. That said, my cousin introduced me to D&D in 1979 and I fell in love with it!
My current focus is on roleplaying games, and the Cosmothea roleplaying game specifically. I am now on my 4th major revision of the game and am very excited about it. I opened up a website and have a small, but thriving forum (HERE)
The first version of the Cosmothea rpg was a percentile game with options to play superheroes, science fiction characters and with hopes to add fantasy rules one day. At that time, I had separately written my own DM’s Guide (with many of my own monsters and magic items, my own combat system, etc. as I had great difficulty getting a hold of an AD&D DMG (took me a year and a half – I was on a long list at my game store here in Las Vegas). So by the time I was able to get a hold of a DMG to actually play AD&D according to their rules, I had already caught the game designing bug and I was hooked for life!
Along the road, WotC posted a monster design contest in their Dragon magazine, and I won first place! That was very encouraging, especially after I had submitted a few boardgames to them, that didn’t get published (though one of them got as far as 3 levels of revisions requested by WotC (then called TSR so that was pretty gratifying!)
As for my design work on D&D and Cosmothea, I already had the makings of a new game system and ended up rolling my fantasy rules into Cosmothea (which went by a different name back then), and made a new version. A few years ago, I made Version 3, which was rebuilt from the ground up with an eye at simplicity and fast play and was more of a minis game with very strong roleplaying elements overlaid and all the fluff and began putting in it goodies long-time Cosmothea Players recognize – my own magic system, a new class system and other fun stuff. I never finished it though. See, while I really loved version 3 in many ways, it was tied to someone else’s product and their whims. I had wanted it to be compatible with the D&D Minis game (version 1) so I could use their minis cards and convert on the fly, hoping to one day make my own cards! The early playtesting went even better than I could have imagined.
In some ways I really miss that simpler game. But I would have to make a slew of cards and resimplify the latest version in order to do it again, and I’m very happy with this latest version so far. Still, I’m planning on including an ultra lite rules version of the new Cosmothea game as an alternative, for players who like lite rules.
Anyway, after a short period of time rushing like mad to finish version 3, it was announced that D&D Minis version 2 was coming, which meant that all future cards would be incompatible with Cosmothea, so I started trying to make Cosmothea compatible with version 2. The new minis game was supposed to be compatible with D&D 4E, but that hadn't come out yet. I only had a few sample cards to even know what it was like. It was fun converting my game, but exhausting work. Well, it wasn’t long before I discovered that D&D Minis v.2 wasn’t the direction I really wanted to go in, and I wasn’t sure I cared for 4E, if it was anything like the minis game. I was also being encouraged by others to publish Cosmothea and I couldn’t do that with Cosmothea v3.
Then I brainstormed and came up with some cool ideas for a complete revamp of Cosmothea. The fluff and setting was all the same, but the game mechanics were different. It only vaguely resembles the v3. game I showcased on the old WotC Gleemax blogs. I am in the middle of another ground up version, this one and any future versions are not compatible with D&D and are going their own way. So far, the game looks very promising, and I have a number of PbP games using the rules (some are using an ultra-lite version of the rules for faster PbP’s and others use the full version.
I’ve got a long road ahead of me, and am looking for others to join the team. I have a regular artist on board and she’s wonderful - Pippa, of course! I continue to brainstorm and am making steady progress. We just celebrated our 30th anniversary of the Cosmothea Campaign Setting in July of 2009, which will be included in the final product. We had contests and lots of fun. I keep brainstorming, designing, and things are looking good. No doubt it will go through a number of changes, and I’m thrilled that many have jumped on board to see it through, but I don’t want it to take forever, and two or more heads are better than one, so yeah, I’ve been looking to expand the team.
I’m also looking for others with similar interests (even those that don’t want to participate with Cosmothea). Iron sharpens iron, and I figure it’ll be fun to network, hang out, discuss industry trends, etc.
Thanks for visiting my blog!
X Marks the Blog
This was originally posted on my old blog, but I thought I'd repost it here and hopefully you'll find it an interesting diversion from my usual blogs, which will be almost entirely focused on the Cosmothea rpg game design and the game industry, but eventually I'll also spend some time blogging about other fun stuff I've designed over the years.
Ok, this blog is all about the X, but don’t worry, this blog is rate PG (hmm ... did I just lose a large portion of my audience or is anyone even reading this?) Anyway, I was reminded the other day of how the “X” has popped up throughout my life, so I thought it might be fun to explore the X for a moment. Join me, won’t you?
Way back around 1983, 3 years before the Marvel comic book, X-Factor, came out on the market, I created my own complete comic book (with a color cover) that was called X Factor: Dawn of the Greatest Hero. It had nothing in common to the X-men spin off, other than the name, but it was the first time I remember using the X in a big way. Marvel seems very fond of the X as well, making numerous books sporting the X. Even Wolverine’s daughter (actually a modified clone of Wolverine – don’t ask – is called X-23, or something like that). The more I think about it, the more the X has popped up all over the place. I still remember an old audio superhero cassette tape I had as a kid in which somebody fell into a vat of Chemical X! It sounded so mysterious, and while it’s now cliché, I still enjoy using it.
When I created my very first forum name, I wanted it to be Nexus, not NexusX, but the name was taken. Stubborn, I added an X to the end, an example of my abuse of the letter over the years. Why so fixated on the X when there are so many other interesting letters in the alphabet? It all started when I was a kid and saw a pirate map in a movie. We’ve all heard the term “X marks the spot” ... but why use an X to symbolize treasure? Simply because it's an easy letter to write and perhaps the pirates lacked an education? Got me.
To some people, the mysterious X actually stands for Christ. Around the 15th or 16th century, if I’m not mistaken, people were using the X all over Europe to stand for Christ. In Greek, X is the first letter of the word, (Xristos, meaning Christ). Later, thanks to the economy of letters, printers would sometimes shorten Merry Christmas to Merry Xmas and as time passed, people used it for shorthand and like myself saw it as a sign of laziness at best and disrespect at worst. While some may use it for that these days – and certainly the porn industry seems obsessed with the X, the original intent was quite different. X marks the spot, the greatest treasure we could ever hope for (whether we realize it or not). Christ is our treasure, the savior of the world. It’s funny, or sad, that while Christmas is supposed to be the celebration of Jesus’ birthday, we’re the ones who get all the attention and all the gifts. At least now I can say Merry Xmas without feeling guilty! There, I’ve said it, now on to more X goodness...
Ok, I picked the X for NexusX because of Xanadu, not Christ (I didn’t even know about the true definition at the time). Xanadu, as those of you who read my blog know, is the name I gave my first rpg design (now called Cosmothea). So, I got in a habit of putting an X after anything I thought was cool. While writing my novel, Beyond Xanadu, I would put a small x after the file name of a version of a chapter that I wrote to show it was good to go. Inevitably, I’d end up revising the chapter and changing the small x to a big X, then to an X2, X3 and so on. It was getting out of hand! So when I had to modify the name Nexus so I could use it around WOTC forums and elsewhere, I naturally added the X, which always reminded me of my rpg, Xanadu. I also used it in naming my web design files, since my website was named Beyond Xanadu.
X has also been used in place of a signature, as an identifying mark, used for authenticating documents like wills, contracts, etc, by illiterate people, so maybe the aforementioned pirates were in the same vein. Education was not always stressed, and sometimes adults, lacking a proper education, would use an X to sign their name. I think it usually required a witness, since the X was not a very good identifier. Courts would sometimes require the testimony of witnesses that the signer was mentally or physically incapable of signing their name and were there to ensure the validity of the X. Thankfully, these days education is taken more seriously, and I’ve never had to resort to using the X, but I thought I’d throw this bit in since it’s relevant. Hmm ... where else has the X appeared in my life?
Over the past 2 years, the X has raised its head like clockwork in the form of the Xbox. My sons and I have become addicted to Halo in all its incarnations. We've also found Morrowwind and other cool games. While loads of fun, the XBOX has caused a rift in the time continuum, resulting in less time for other things like Cosmothea and DDR (Dungeons and Dragons Reloaded - my version of the classic game we all know and love!) Psychologically, it's easier for them to turn on the TV (itself a time-sucking device for billions of people) and then the XBOX, than it is for them to find where they stashed their character sheets and dice. Then this Xmas (Yay, I can say it now and hold my head high!) the whole family pitched in and bought an XBOX360, which is making the rift even deeper (Halo 3, Assassin's Creed, Dead Rising, and others).
I hope they get over it soon, because frankly, I'm climbing the walls with excitement to play some D&D! No matter how exciting an XBOX game is, to me at least, it doesn't hold a candle to sinking my teeth into tabletop roleplaying! After all, I can suspend disbelief in a more powerful way with a character that I've built from the ground up, nurtured and battled with. Ok, Halo 3 is amazingly cool, and I look forward to trying out Oblivion, but that's all on a screen ... nothing beats spending time with friends and family roleplaying - at least not in my book!
Ah, when I decided to redesign my website a couple years ago, I named it Studio X (I had planned on using the site primarily for freelance graphic design, illustration and web design, not just gaming and my drama ministry). A few months went by and on a whim I did several searches on Google one day for a number of names I’ve used in game designs, and also typed in Studio X. I found out that one of my board games used a name that was already out there and also that the makers of Stargate (the movie) made their own rpg (they are just trying to get under my skin – I’d already changed my own rpg from Xanadu to Stargate inspired by a video game called Stargate that is unrelated to the movie and predates it like my own rpg does).
Anyway, if all that wasn’t bad enough, I also found there was an existing Studio X, so I had to change my freelance service to Studio Xanadu. I mean a this point, with X tied to me like a chain, and popping up in so many things I was working on, using Studio X (being a shortened form of Studio Xanadu) just seemed predestined! But alas it was not meant to be. Studio X became Studio Xanadu, but it’s still a cool site with lots of fun stuff, and much more to come if I ever find the time! Has the X popped up in your life somewhere? Share your X secrets! (No porn, please!) One day I hope to spread out and try another letter of the alphabet, but I can’t think of any other letter that has so much impact. I mean – NexusB ... it’s missing something! NexusF ... nope. So NexusX it is! Well, Studio X … er Xanadu is currently under construction or rather in stasis while I work on one of my other sites – QT Games. (Click here to go there).
A Game Designer's Diary 1
Devoted to game design, art and writing, this blog focuses specifically on the development of the Cosmothea roleplaying game, including the challenges, process and a diary of my journey. Sometimes I'll also take a break to talk about life and being a gamer.
Having written drafts for two novels (one which included an outline for a trilogy, including conceptual art and a great deal of world and race design work), I'm no stranger to chaining myself to a desk for long hours over a great period of time. I relish the thought of applying my creative juices to a project, pushing the envelope of what's been done, the sacred cows, and focusing on what I'm trying to accomplish and how best to do it. Yet designing an rpg - not one of those charming little rpg's that are only 25 pages or so, but a full blown one, including a detailed campaign setting, feels like a herculean task.
I often feel like I'm in a room full of toddlers who all want attention at once, and I have to figure out how I'm going to deal with each of their individual needs, help them reach their potential, and also keep from going crazy - all while holding down a full time job as a graphic artist. That's what designing an rpg is like for me. It's crazy. It's fun. It's exhausting, and it's very rewarding, even though I haven't gotten a paycheck yet.
I'm not starting from scratch, however. The Cosmothea RPG has been around for a long time, but I'm rewriting it and redesigning it almost from the ground up, drawing on years of game design experience (it's never enough) and a campaign setting that's been around for 30 years come next month. (In fact, we're going to throw an online party and probably do a couple contests in mid-late July to celebrate! More on that HERE). Anyway, I thought I would begin laying out some of the thought processes that went into choosing to design an rpg, when there are so many out there, and also why I'm designing it the way I am.
I'll try to make this both interesting and informative, to those of you who were wondering about what it's like and some of the concerns that go into it. I'd also love to hear your thoughts on the matter as well. Thanks for visiting. I haven't posted in awhile as I've been designing like crazy, and although I am still doing just that, I thought this designer's diary might prove helpful (hopefully not just to me) as getting things down on paper helps you to think about it twice, so we'll see where this goes. More to come!